Extended and Compact X-Ray Emission in Powerful Radio Galaxies

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Session 12 -- High Energy Observations of AGNs
Oral presentation, Monday, 10:30-12:00, Zellerbach Auditorium Room

[12.03] Extended and Compact X-Ray Emission in Powerful Radio Galaxies

C.R. Lawrence (Caltech), D.M. Worrall (CfA), T.J. Pearson, A.C.S. Readhead (Caltech)

We report ROSAT X-ray observations of two powerful radio galaxies. 3C~280 provides evidence for a mixture of point-like and extended emission, with the latter produced by hot plasma of insufficient pressure to confine the radio lobes and insufficient density for a cooling flow to have begun. 3C~220.3 gives only an X-ray upper limit, but one consistent with our interpretation of the X-ray emission from powerful radio-loud AGN in terms of obscured and unobscured components.

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