Spatial Distribution of Diffuse Background in the 50--190~\AA\ Waveband as Observed by the Deep Survey Telescope Aboard EUVE

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Session 41 -- EUVE -- Astronomy
Display presentation, Tuesday, 6:00-8:00, CEA Room

[41.09] Spatial Distribution of Diffuse Background in the 50--190~\AA\ Waveband as Observed by the Deep Survey Telescope Aboard EUVE

R. Lieu (CEA/UCB), T.J. Sumner (Blackett Lab.), S. Bowyer (CEA/UCB), S.D. Sidher (Blackett Lab.)

We present results of the diffuse sky background in the 50-190 \AA~waveband as observed by the Deep Survey telescope aboard the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE). This waveband corresponds to the Lexan/B filter of the telescope, and the data of interest were gathered when the telescope was pointed along the ecliptic plane between ecliptic longitudes 50$^\circ$ and 70$^\circ$ during the EUVE all-sky survey. This region of sky contains many spatial features in the hydrogen column density distribution (such as MBM clouds) as witnessed by the IRAS sky maps in the 100 $\mu m$ wavelength. We report results on spatial correlation studies between EUV data and IRAS data, and their implications on our understanding of the interstellar medium.

This work has been supported by NASA contract NAS5-29298.

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