Detection of the First Coronal X-ray Source about a White Dwarf

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Session 47 -- Degenerates
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[47.04] Detection of the First Coronal X-ray Source about a White Dwarf

T.A. Fleming (U. Arizona and MPE), K. Werner (U. Bamberg), M.A. Barstow (U. Leicester)

We present a ROSAT PSPC observation of the hot DO white dwarf KPD 0005$+$5106 which indicates that the X-radiation is coming from a hot corona about the star. This is quite novel, since all previously observed X-ray emission from white dwarfs has been photospheric in nature. The corona about KPD 0005$+$5106 appears to be cooler ($6 \times 10^5$ K) than typical main sequence-star coronae and is probably heated by a wind, analogous to O and B-star X-ray emission. This interpretation is consistent with recent HST observations and the discovery of O VIII emission lines in the spectrum of KPD 0005$+$5106.

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