Diffusion of ``Corks'' Over the Solar Surface

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Session 48 -- Solar and Solar-System Physics
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[48.04] Diffusion of ``Corks'' Over the Solar Surface

A.M. Title (LPARL), G.W. Simon (Philips Labs), N.O. Weiss (Cambridge Univ.)

Test particles in flow fields generated by correlation tracking of movies of the solar surface and kinematic models of the solar surface quickly collect in stagnation points of the flow fields and remain there. Test particles do not form a quasi-stable network pattern. The diffusion coefficients generated from a net of kinematic models with a range of cell sizes and lifetimes are not proportional to the cell size squared divided by the cell lifetime as commonally assumed. Reasonable estimates of cell sizes and lifetimes yield diffusiion coefficients that are lower than the 600 km$^2$/s used by Sheeley and his collaborators in their surface diffusion models. We conclude that: 1) The appearance of plages and enhanced network can not be explained by adjustment of the cell sizes or surface velocities; and 2) diffusion is not sufficient to explain the appearance of plages and enhanced network.

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