UV and optical stellar photometry of LMC associations LH89, LH90, LH97, LH99, LH104, LH111, and LH113

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Session 49 -- Associations and Clusters
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[49.06] UV and optical stellar photometry of LMC associations LH89, LH90, LH97, LH99, LH104, LH111, and LH113

J. E. Isensee, J. K. Hill (Hughes STX), R. C. Bohlin (STScI), K. P. Cheng, M. N. Fanelli, P. M. N. Hintzen, Andrew M. Smith, Eric P. Smith (NASA/GSFC), R. W. O'Connell (University of Virginia), M. S. Roberts (NRAO), T. P. Stecher (NASA/GSFC)

Near-UV and far-UV images are presented of Lucke and Hodge LMC OB associations numbered 89, 90, 97, 99, 104, 111, and 113. UV images of the 30 Dor region including these associations were obtained by the {\sl Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope} during the 1990 {\sl Astro-1} spacelab mission. Photometry in the UV bands is obtained for 356 stars within the association boundaries, as given by Lucke (1972). Optical magnitudes in the B band are obtained for 131 of the stars from ground-based CCD images. Magnitudes are dereddened using the reddening model of Heap et al. (1991). Color-magnitude diagrams are presented for each of the associations. The far-UV magnitudes of the brightest measured stars in each association vary by 3 mag. The age of the most recent star formation is estimated for each association by assuming the brightest star in the far-UV to be a supergiant at the age of maximum far-UV luminosity, using the evolutionary tracks of Schaller et al. (1992) and the model atmospheres of Kurucz (1992). A composite diagram containing all 356 stars is presented in comparison with a similar diagram for the stars in the central regions of 30 Dor.

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