UV Observations of Massive Stars in NGC 2014 and NGC 2074 in the LMC

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Session 49 -- Associations and Clusters
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[49.07] UV Observations of Massive Stars in NGC 2014 and NGC 2074 in the LMC

E. Wilcots (NRAO), P. Hodge (U. Washington), N. King (U. Washington)

We report on the study of the UV characteristics of massive stars in the young LMC clusters NGC 2014 and NGC 2074. We obtained low-resolution IUE spectra of nine stars in NGC 2014 and six in NGC 2074. The spectra indicate that at least four of the stars in NGC 2014 are somewhat evolved O5-O7 stars with significant amounts of mass loss. The stars in NGC 2074 seem to be early B stars and show no signs of substantial mass loss rates. We have also fitted the spectra with stellar atmosphere models to derive the T$_{eff}$-L$_{bol}$ diagram for each cluster. Our results also have implications for our understanding of the interstellar reddening in the LMC.

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