The Internal Structure of the M31 Globular Cluster G302

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Session 50 -- Globular Clusters
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[50.13] The Internal Structure of the M31 Globular Cluster G302

S. Holland, G.G. Fahlman \& H.B. Richer (UBC)

We have used the CFHT's HRCam to obtain $V$- and $I$-band photometry of approximately two dozen M31 globular clusters under conditions of excellent seeing ($\overline{\rm FWHM} \simeq 0.\!\!^{\prime\prime}6 \simeq 2.1$ pc). Seeing convolved Michie--King models are being fit to the surface brightness profiles of these clusters in order to determine their tidal radii and to constrain the distribution of cluster central concentrations in the M31 system. This paper presents preliminary results for G302, a bright cluster located $\sim$32$^{\prime\prime}$ SE of the nucleus of M31. Our fit suggests that G302 has a central concentration of $c \simeq 2$, a core radius of $r_c \simeq 1$ pc and a tidal radius of $r_t \simeq 100$ pc.

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