Preliminary Assessment of Stellar RV Variation Measurements with the Palomar East Arm Echelle Spectrograph

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Session 51 -- Instrumentation
Display presentation, Wednesday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[51.09] Preliminary Assessment of Stellar RV Variation Measurements with the Palomar East Arm Echelle Spectrograph

M. Peri and K. Libbrecht (California Institute of Technology)

One of the most promising techniques for detecting acoustic oscillations in solar-type stars is the measurement of minute radial velocity shifts produced by the oscillations. Photon noise limitations can be alleviated by using an echelle spectrograph to observe Doppler shifts in a large number of spectral lines simultaneously. The new East Arm Echelle Spectrograph on the the Palomar 200-inch Hale telescope is an excellent instrument for measuring radial velocity variations, providing high resolution over a broad wavelength range. The instrument is fiber-fed with a double-scrambler option to enhance stability, and incorporates a molecular absorption cell for instantaneous calibration. In this poster we present preliminary stellar observations, assess instrumental performance, and discuss the potential for asteroseismology measurements.

Wednesday program listing