A Study of the Ifrared Emission from the Rosette Nebula

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Session 60 -- HII Regions
Display presentation, Thursday, 9:20-4:00, Pauley Room

[60.05] A Study of the Ifrared Emission from the Rosette Nebula

R.F.Shipman (U.Wyoming, Phillips Lab.), R.Assendorp (Lab. for Space Res./Groningen), F.O.Clark (Phillips Lab.)

We present an indepth study of the infrared emission from the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2244-37) as measured by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). In all four bands, high spatial resolution scans across the nebula were obtained from the smallest detectors in the IRAS focal plane (edge detectors). These data confirm conclusions by other authors suggesting depletion of the carriers emitting in the IRAS 12 micron band inside the ionized region. The data clearly show the ionization front and provide evidence for a region of compressed dust and gas around the central cavity. The IRAS band ratios are analyzed and a simple dust model is presented.

Thursday program listing