The Response of Disks to Radial Oscillatory Modes in Galaxies

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Session 6 -- Normal Galaxies: Structure and Dynamics
Display presentation, Monday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[6.13] The Response of Disks to Radial Oscillatory Modes in Galaxies

B. F. Smith, T. Y. Steiman-Cameron, M. A. Mattox (NASA/Ames)

Recent studies suggest that radial and nonradial modes may exist for the large-scale distribution of matter within galaxies and that these modes can be self-excited. These modes may play an important role in the evolution of these systems and in the interpretation of kinematic data. We are investigating the response of galactic disks (both stellar and gaseous components) to such modes using a hybrid n-body code where dissipation is included for the gaseous component. Specific targets of this study include the implications for large-scale disk structure and inflow into the central regions of the galaxy. We report preliminary results for disks subject to a radially oscillating gravitational potential. Because the potential is time-varying, certain classical quantities, such as the Lindblad and co-rotation resonances, which play a role in wave propogation, have been re-examined. Some implications for wave transport are discussed.

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