Near-Infrared, Optical, and CO Observations of the Interacting Galaxy System VV114

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Session 6 -- Normal Galaxies: Structure and Dynamics
Display presentation, Monday, 9:20-6:30, Pauley Room

[6.23] Near-Infrared, Optical, and CO Observations of the Interacting Galaxy System VV114

R. A. Knop, K. Matthews, G. Neugebauer,B. T. Soifer (Palomar Observatory, Caltech), N. Scoville, M. S. Yun (Owens Valley Radio Observatory, Caltech), J. R. Graham (U. C. Berkeley), D. Sanders (Institute for Astronomy, U. Hawaii)

VV114 is a nearby example of a far-infrared bright, high luminosity (L$_{FIR}>10^{11}$L$_\odot$) interacting galaxy pair. At a redshift of $z=0.02$ it provides an opportunity to study such interacting galaxies at a favorable spatial scale (360 pc/''). This paper presents new high resolution near-infrared (1.25$\mu$m - 3.7$\mu$m) and visible images, visible spectra, and CO (J=1-0) maps of VV114. A picture emerges of a system with widespread massive star formation, throughout both interacting galaxies. The brighter visible galaxy (VV114W) shows HII region-like emission in both visual spectra and near-infrared colors, with no more than two magnitudes of visual extinction. The brightest peak of infrared and radio emission (VV114E) has extreme near-infrared colors and is located at a minimum of visible emission. This indicates a large concentration of dust in the nucleus of VV114E that is nearly entirely obscuring the major luminosity source in this system.

This work is supported in part by the NSF and the Eastman Kodak Company. Observations were made at Palomar Observatory with the 5m Hale telescope and at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory.

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