X-ray Properties of Clusters which Contain Gravitationally Lensed Images

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Session 78 -- QSOs and Gravitational Lenses
Oral presentation, Thursday, 2:30-4:00, Durham Room

[78.04] X-ray Properties of Clusters which Contain Gravitationally Lensed Images

D.W.Saraniti,V.Petrosian (Stanford University)

Modeling of gravitationally lensed images in clusters of galaxies often require a large and compact component of dark matter. Many of these clusters contain hot gas and are strong sources of X-ray emission. We examine clusters which contain gravitationally lensed images and are mapped at X-ray energies. We compare the distribution of the X-rays and the mass distribution of the dark matter obtained from modeling the lensed images. We find that the X-ray surface brightness distribution is generally more extended than the dark matter distribution. With some assumptions about temperature variation of the hot gas, we can obtain the mass distribution of hot gas which in general is even more extended than the X-ray surface brightness distribution. In few cases the distribution of visible matter as delineated by galaxies also shows a more extended distribution (or has larger core radius) than the dark matter distribution. This work is supported by NASA grant NAGW 2290 and a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

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