Mid-Infrared Observations of the ``Quintuplet'' and ``Pistol'' Near the Galactic Center

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Session 110 -- Open Clusters
Display presentation, Saturday, January 15, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[110.11] Mid-Infrared Observations of the ``Quintuplet'' and ``Pistol'' Near the Galactic Center

Susan R. Stolovy (Cornell University), Terry Herter (Cornell University), Thomas Hayward (Cornell University)

We present images and spectroscopy of the unusual star cluster known as the ``Quintuplet'' \footnote{Okuda et al, 1990 ApJ 351, 89} and of the associated thermal radio source known as the ``Pistol.''\footnote{Yusef-Zadeh and Morris, 1987 AJ 94(5), 1178} These data were obtained in 1993 using SpectroCam-10 at the 5-m telescope at Palomar and using the Kuiper Echelle Grating Spectrometer (KEGS) from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. Low-resolution 8-13$\mu$m spectra confirm that the Quintuplet stars have nearly identical, featureless spectra and are most likely dust-enshrouded young stars. In addition, we have imaged the diffuse emission from the nearby pistol at 11.7$\mu$m with 0.5" resolution and have found that this warm dust emission corresponds well with the thermal radio morphology. Weak continuum emission from the Pistol area was also imaged at 38$\mu$m from airborne observations. We also detected the [SIII] line at 33.5$\mu$m as well as the [NeII] 12.81$\mu$m line in the Pistol, both characteristic lines of HII regions. We explore the possi! bility that the Quintuplet and Pi

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