Possible Radio Astronomy Projects with A Two-million Channel Spectrometer

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Session 117 -- Astronomical Instruments and Techniques
Oral presentation, Saturday, January 15, 10:15-11:45, Salon V Room (Crystal Gateway)

[117.08] Possible Radio Astronomy Projects with A Two-million Channel Spectrometer

W. T. Sullivan, III (U. Washington), S. M. Levin (JPL), E. T. Olsen (JPL)

A 40 MHz spectrometer with 2.1 million channels of 20 Hz resolution, originally developed for NASA's High Resolution Microwave Survey, has now been operating for over a year. Besides the full 20 Hz resolution, a user can obtain output from 8000 channels of specified width and center frequency anywhere in the 40 MHz band. The future of this spectrometer at this time is uncertain, but it seems likely that it will be used for a variety of projects in communications and radio astronomy. This talk will cover the capabilities of the spectrometer and some of the possible radio astronomy projects for which it provides unique capabilities.

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