Calibration of a New Automated Galaxy Classification System

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Session 3 -- Galaxy Surveys
Display presentation, Wednesday, January 12, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[3.09] Calibration of a New Automated Galaxy Classification System

F. Valdes (NOAO), R.G.Abraham, S.van den Bergh (DAO), H.K.C.Yee (U.Toronto)

A new galaxy classification system has been proposed by Abraham, Valdes, Yee, and van den Bergh (presented in a separate contribution) which is objective and suitable for fainter galaxies than the traditional Hubble scheme. These features of the system allow for computer automation to survey large numbers of galaxies at cosmologically interesting distances. The key parameter of this system is a concentration index. This paper describes how this parameter is measured in the Faint Object Classification and Analysis System (FOCAS) and discusses calibration and systematic effects which have been examined.

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