Behlen Observatory CCD photometry of NGC 5548 and other active galactic nuclei

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Session 46 -- Seyfert Galaxies and LINERS
Display presentation, Thursday, January 13, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[46.05] Behlen Observatory CCD photometry of NGC 5548 and other active galactic nuclei

J.J.Dokter, C.M.Gaskell (U.Nebraska)

NGC 5548 was intensely monitored by the HST, the IUE and many ground-based telescopes in the spring of 1993. V band photometry was obtained during this period with two separated CCD systems on the 30" telescope at the University of Nebraska's Behlen observatory. We discuss the problem of extracting nuclear fluxes and disc profiles from data with poor and variable seeing. This is particularly difficult for NGC 5548 since there is a lack of bright comparison stars in our fields of view. We estimated the nuclear flux by comparing the nucleus to the disc of the host galaxy and also by comparing it to comparison stars on other frames. We discuss and compare these methods.

This research was partially supported by funds from the National Science Foundation through an AAS/REU grant

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