A High Dispersion IUE Atlas of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

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Session 50 -- White Dwarfs
Display presentation, Thursday, January 13, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[50.01] A High Dispersion IUE Atlas of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

M.F. Quigley, F.C. Bruhweiler (Catholic Univ.), W. Feibelman (GSFC/LASP)

New and archival high dispersion IUE data acquired with the short wavelength (SWP) camera sampling the wavelength range $\lambda\lambda$1150-2000 have been coadded to produce a spectral atlas of twelve CSPN with signal-to-noise ratios greatly enhanced from those of individual IUE spectral images. Extensive line identification, using the latest available atomic data has been performed for these objects. Numerous stellar spectral features, as well as emission features from the surrounding nebulae, are identified. The variation in excitation among the stars is easily seen in the stellar absorption spectra. The stars comprising this atlas are listed with the number of spectra coadded in order of approximate decreasing surface temperature: LT-5 (1), NGC~7293 (3), NGC~246 (3), NGC~4361 (2), Longmore-8 (3), Abell-36 (4), NGC~6543 (4), NGC~6058 (1), NGC~3242 (3), NGC~4593 (4), and IC 418 (13). The twelve stars exhibit effective temperatures starting from $\approx$ 30,000~K to over 100,000~K, and should be of great value in more detailed quantitative analyses and planning future observations with UV satellites such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

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