UV and Multifrequency Observations of the Quasars 3C 273 and 3C 279

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Session 56 -- Luminous AGNs
Oral presentation, Thursday, January 13, 10:15-11:45, Salon III Room (Crystal Gateway)

[56.06] UV and Multifrequency Observations of the Quasars 3C 273 and 3C 279

E. Ramos, M. Kafatos and P. A. Becker (CSI/George Mason University), F.C. Bruhweiler (Catholic University), B. Geldzahler (CSI/GMU), R. Hartman (NASA/GSFC), N. Johnson (Naval Research Lab), Y. Kondo (NASA/GSFC), F. Makino (ISAS, Japan), B. Peterson (Ohio State University), R. Staubert (University of Tubingen, Germany), J. Wallin (CSI/GMU)

We have proposed observations of the bright quasar 3C 273 using IUE and EUVE

as part of a large multifrequency and monitoring campaign using IUE, EUVE, ROSAT,

ASCA, CGRO, OSSE, COMPTEL and EGRET as well as a number of ground-based

telescopes including the Ohio State and VLA observatories. Observations are to be

carried out over an eight-month interval spanning late Dec. 93- Aug. 94. UV target of

opportunity observations of 3C 279 are also proposed if this blazar begins to brighten

during the observing program. Multifrequency observations are crucial in providing

model constraints for quasars, particularly for sources such as blazars where contributions from both jets and accretion disks are expected. For 3C 273, IUE and EUVE observations fall within an important part of the overall electromagnetic spectrum. In this talk we present

some preliminary work (mainly from previous multifrequency campaigns) that impose constraints on thermal disk components and synchrotron/self-compton parameters for 3C 273.

Thursday program listing