Theoretical Expectations for Bulk Motion in the Lauer and Postman Large Scale Survey

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Session 71 -- Galaxy and CBR Distribution
Display presentation, Friday, January 14, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[71.06] Theoretical Expectations for Bulk Motion in the Lauer and Postman Large Scale Survey

Richard Watkins and Hume Feldman (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

We calculate the theoretical variance for the measured bulk motion of a large scale survey of the type recently carried out by Lauer and Postman. Included are the effects of survey geometry, errors in the distance measurements, clustering properties of the sample, and different assumed power spectra. We find that clustering in the sample can lead to an unexpectedly large measurement of bulk motion, even in a very deep survey. Our results suggest that the bulk motion reported by Lauer and Postman is consistent with the power spectrum measured from the IRAS QDOT survey as well as a theoretical spectrum from a mixed dark matter model.

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