Redshift--Independent Distances of Spiral Galaxies: \\ III. First Results

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Session 72 -- High Z Line Measurements; Gravitational Microlensing: Distance Determination
Display presentation, Friday, January 14, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[72.13] Redshift--Independent Distances of Spiral Galaxies: \\ III. First Results

M.P. Haynes, R. Giovanelli (Cornell), J.J. Salzer (Wesleyan), G. Wegner (Dartmouth), L.N. DaCosta (Obs.Nac.--Brasil), W. Freudling (ESO/ST--ECF), P. Chamaraux (Meudon)

We utilize the sample of over 1800 Sbc--Sc galaxies discussed in Paper I of this series (Salzer et al. ) to obtain a template Tully--Fisher relation and redshift--independent distances to the sample objects. Comparison of the derived distances with those expected from redshift measurements under the assumption of uniform expansion provides a mapping of the deviations from smooth Hubble flow over the volume delimited by the sample, c$z$ $<$ 7500 kms$^{-1}$. We present the preliminary results of the analysis of our sample alone and in combination with others available in the literature providing full--sky coverage and discuss the implied motions in comparison with those of other surveys. Specific issues under consideration include the appearance of the quiet hubble flow region, the distances to clusters within the survey volume and the influence of the Pisces--Perseus, Hydra--Centaurus and Coma--A1367 superclusters and the Great Attractor.

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