A New Superluminal Component in BL Lac: VLBI Observation from 1990.17-1990.76

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Session 75 -- VLBI Obsesrvations
Display presentation, Friday, January 14, 9:30-6:45, Salons I/II Room (Crystal Gateway)

[75.04] A New Superluminal Component in BL Lac: VLBI Observation from 1990.17-1990.76

R.L. Mutel, G.R. Denn, and M.J. Dryer (University of Iowa)

VLB monitoring of the radio core of BL Lac at 2.8 and 3.6 cm wavelengths during 1990 has detected a new superluminal component with properties remarkably similar to those reported from 1980-1987 (Ap.J. {\bf352},81). The apparent speed is $v/c\sim3.1$ with a position angle within 3$\deg$ of previous components. The observations lend strong support to models of weak shocks in relativistic jets proposed for this source and used in the analysis of previous superluminal components.

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