Photometric Standard Stars in the CCD/Transit Instrument (CTI) Survey

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Session 27 -- Digitizing the Sky
Display presentation, Tuesday, 31, 1994, 9:20-6:30

[27.10] Photometric Standard Stars in the CCD/Transit Instrument (CTI) Survey

J. T. McGraw, C. J. Wetterer, T. R. Hess (IfA/UNM), E. M. Green (Steward Observatory)

The CCD/Transit Instrument (CTI) uses two CCDs read out in the "time-delay and integrate" (TDI) mode to produce an imaging survey of the sky. The "images" produced by this technique are approximately eight arminutes wide and 120 degrees long. Thus, by overlapping these long images from the same strip of sky observed over several years, we can produce an intrinsically homogeneous, precise and accurate photometric calibration. We report on the procedures and techniques which result in a catalog of approximately 20,000 standard stars to V = 17.5 measured in B, V, R and I bandpasses distributed on a small circle of the sky at declination 28 degrees. The instrumental and absolute photometric calibrations are described.

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