The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA), a consortium of the Florida Institute of Technology, East Tennessee State University, the University of Georgia, Valdosta State University, and Florida International University, has recently recommissioned one of the former KPNO 0.9-meter telescopes on a new site near Mercedes Point at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The telescope and observatory are highly automated and connected to the Internet via fiber optic link. Presently installed on a four-port instrument rotator are two instruments: a CCD imaging system and a two-channel photometer/polarimeter. Following its official dedication on 7 January 1995, the SARA 0.9-m telescope will undertake a wide variety of research and education programs, with special emphasis on long-term surveys, monitoring campaigns, targets of opportunity and synoptic studies that are ordinarily difficult to conduct at national observatories.
We thank the National Optical Astronomy Observatories, the National Science Foundation, and the State of Florida Technological Research and Development Authority for making this project possible. Special thanks are extended to the administrations of the five SARA institutions for their on-going enthusiasm and support.