Shooting Images with VATT, the Fastest Telescope in the West

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Session 10 -- Remote Observing, Ground-Based Telescopes and Instruments
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[10.05] Shooting Images with VATT, the Fastest Telescope in the West

C. J. Corbally (Vatican Observatory), S. C. West (Steward Observatory)

The Vatican/Steward Observatory's Lennon Telescope (VATT) has a 1.8-m diameter, f/1 primary mirror, generated and polished to 17 nm rms by the Steward Observatory's Mirror Laboratory. Imaging at the f/1 to f/9 Gregorian focus poses its problems but ``second light" at this focus was obtained on July 12, 1994, and immediately, sub-arcsecond images were seen.

The secondary, its mount, and its control are described, as are the methods used in achieving and maintaining optimal imaging. A wavefront sensor is helping to tune-up and map the correct collimation.

Full commissioning of the telescope will be effected later in 1995.

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