We present the first results of our program to monitor the x-ray sources in the bulge of M31. The program includes observations made with the ROSAT HRI, together with nearly simultaneous radio and optical observations. Results from two $\sim$25 ksec HRI observations, taken in July 1994, will be discussed here. We present new x-ray source lists and updated globular cluster identifications. Comparison of x-ray intensities from the current epoch with those obtained from similar observations taken in 1990 indicates that a number of x-ray sources varied significantly in the interim. We use current results and those from the earlier ROSAT and Einstein HRI observations to estimate the rate of x-ray transients in M31. Among the sources observed to vary is the x-ray source associated with the nucleus of M31. This source is of particular interest because of the discovery of an unresolved nuclear radio source (Crane, Dickel \& Cowan 1992, ApJ Letters, 390, L9), and we discuss the status of our VLA observational program on the nuclear x-ray source, as well as on other x-ray sources within $\sim$3$^{\prime}$ of the nucleus. Finally, we briefly discuss our H$_{\alpha}$ observations of the M31 bulge.