We present absolute spectrophotometry of 237 stars in 7 nearby open clusters: Hyades, Pleiades, Alpha Persei, Praesepe, Coma Berenices, IC~4665, and M~39. The observations were taken using the Wampler single-channel scanner (Wampler 1966) on the Crossley 0.9m telescope at Lick Observatory from July 1973 through December 1974. 21 bandpasses spanning the spectral range $\rm 3500 \AA$ to $\rm 7780 \AA$ were observed for each star, with bandwiths ranging from 32$\rm \AA$ to $\rm 64 \AA$. Data are standardized to the Hayes--Latham (1975) system.
Our measurements are compared to filter colors on the Johnson BV, Str\"{o}mgren ubvy, and Geneva $\rm U \, V \, B_1 \, B_2 \, V_1 \, G$ systems, as well as to spectrophotometry of a few stars published by Gunn, Stryker \& Tinsley and in the Spectrophotometric Standards Catalog (Adelman; as distributed by the NSSDC). Both internal and external comparisons to the filter systems indicate a formal statistical accuracy per bandpass of 0.01 to 0.02 mag, with apparent larger ($\sim$0.03 mag) differences in absolute calibration between this data set and existing spectrophotometry. These data will comprise part of the spectrophotometry that will be used to calibrate the Beijing-Arizona-Taipei-Connecticut Color Survey of the Sky (see separate paper by Burstein et al. at this meeting).