relatively large size (4$'$) allows a high resolution study of its stellar and gaseous constituents. Vigorous star formation is taking place along the bar, which has also abundant molecular gas. The spiral structure is asymmetric. Here we present preliminary results on the atomic hydrogen distribution and kinematics as observed at the VLA with 5$''$ and 15$''$ resolutions, and the luminosity distribution in the stellar bar as observed in optical and near-infrared bands.
The atomic hydrogen gas is concentrated along the spiral arms in unresolved small clumps, each containing about $5x10^{7} M_{\bigodot}$ of {\sc Hi}. The central area is depleted in atomic gas. The velocity field shows an anomalous kink along the strong SW arm, which may indicate streaming motions. The K band luminosity profile of the southern part of the bar is flat. In contrast, there is a steep drop along the bar north of the nucleus after a short flat section. Based on the K band image we estimate the mass of the bar as $5x10^{10} M_{\bigodot}$. 2$''$ CO observations at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory will be used to investigate the gas kinematics, the location of shocks and distribution along the bar. All these data combined with self-consistent numerical models of the dynamics and star formation will provide us with significant insights into the great variety of physical phenomena present in NGC 7479.