HI Study of Barred Magellanic Type Galaxies

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Session 105 -- Barred Spirals
Display presentation, Thursday, 12, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[105.05] HI Study of Barred Magellanic Type Galaxies

E. Wilcots (NRAO), C. Lehman (RPI), B. Miller (DTM)

We present the preliminary results of an HI survey of a small sample of Barred Magellanic type galaxies. The data were obtained using the D configuration of the VLA and our observations show: (1) bar morphology seen in the optical data is manifested in the HI distribution and kinematics, (2) SBm/IBm galaxies are commonly found with gaseous companions, and (3) there is strong evidence of significant gravitational interaction between the SBm/IBm galaxy and its companion. These data complement other study in suggesting that gravitational interactions play a strong role in determining the physical properties of SBm/IBm galaxies.

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