An investigation of the properties of galaxies in voids should provide information on the role of environment in galaxy formation and evolution, as well as on the internal structure of voids. The Bootes Void is one of the largest known low density regions with a radius of 62 Mpc ($H_{0}$ = 50 km $s^{-1}$ $Mpc^{-1}$). There have been identifications of 27 galaxies found to lie within the boundaries of the Bootes Void as defined by Kirshner, Oemler, Schechter \& Shectman (1987,ApJ,314,493). We have carried out an observing program to obtain both photometric and spectroscopic data for all 27 galaxies. The results from the analysis of the photometry are presented. Broadband CCD images of the galaxies were taken in B, V, R, and I filters. The observations were made on the 31-inch telescope at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ. The size of each field is approximately 4 arcmin square, and the image scale is 0.49 arcsec/pixel. From these data we obtain the apparent magnitude and the B-V, V-R, and R-I colors for each galaxy. This information is then used to calculate the absolute magnitudes in B, V, R, and I. The galaxies are also classified according to morphological and structural properties. Many of these objects display unusual structural characteristics such as knots, asymmetries and apparent one-armed spiral features. There are also at least two galaxy pairs included in the sample. Color gradients across the surface of a galaxy are discussed where appropriate.
This research has been supported in part by NASA through the Nevada Space Grant Consortium, and by a Theodore Dunham, Jr. grant from the Fund for Astrophysical Research. Observations were made on the Lowell Observatory 31-inch telescope which, under an agreement with Northern Arizona University and the NURO Consortium, is operated 60\% of the time as the National Undergraduate Research Observatory.