Results of $\lambda18\,cm$ VLBI Monitoring of the Radio Jet of Virgo~A

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Session 109 -- Extragalactic Radio Sources, Jets
Display presentation, Thursday, 12, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[109.12] Results of $\lambda18\,cm$ VLBI Monitoring of the Radio Jet of Virgo~A

J.A.\ Biretta (STScI), W.\ Junor (UNM)

We present cumulative results of global $\lambda18\,cm$ VLBI monitoring of the radio jet of Virgo~A (3C274, M87) between 1980 and 1992. The most recent VLBI images with 3 mas (0.2 pc) resolution and 3000:1 dynamic range show a wealth of complex structure in the jet, including spatial oscillations and limb-brightening. The brightest jet features show little or no proper motion, which is in sharp contrast to the kpc-scale jet where motions of up to 2.5$c$ are seen. The implications of the observed morphology and proper motions for models of jet collimation and stability are discussed. (See also Junor \& Biretta.)

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