Previous investigations of Seyfert galaxies indicate that although gravitation plays a key role in determining the kinematics in the NLR, an additional acceleration mechanism seems to contribute in the NLRs of Seyferts with luminous nuclear radio sources (with log $L$ (1415~MHz) (W~Hz$^{-1}$) $\ge 22.5$) showing linear morphology. Hydrodynamical effects associated with the jet powering the radio source in such Seyferts may be reflected by additional acceleration of the high-excitation gas.
We are analyzing high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of the type 2 Seyfert Mkn 1066 = UGC 2456. In images obtained with the Planetary Camera aboard HST, the H$\alpha$ + [N II] emission lies in a region $3'' \ (490 \ h^{-1}$ pc, $h = H_0/100$ km~ s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$) long centered on the nucleus, while the [O~III] emission is concentrated into a bright ``jet-like'' structure extending $1.^{''}4 \ (230 \ h^{-1}$ pc) NW of the nucleus. Ground-based spectroscopy indicates that at least two kinematic components of ionized gas are present in the extended narrow line region (ENLR). The low-excitation emission lines trace out a rotation curve with amplitude $\approx 200$ km s$^{-1}$. However, relative to the low-excitation emission-line kinematics, the [O~III]-emitting gas is blueshifted NW of the nucleus and redshifted SE of the nucleus. A 3.6 cm map obtained with the VLA confirms that the radio source has a ``linear'' morphology and appears to be a bipolar jet. Both the [O~III] and H$\alpha$ + [N II] emission are aligned with the radio axis.
Since the high-excitation gas is coincident with the radio jet and has peculiar kinematics, non-virial forces appear to be significant in Mkn 1066.