We report BVRI photometry of the BL Lacertae type quasar (blazar) OJ 287. Observations were obtained on 125 nights during a six year period beginning in late 1988 as part of an ongoing study of the optical variability in quasars and active galactic nuclei using Colgate University's Foggy Bottom Observatory's 0.4-m telescope and CCD systems. We studied the long term R band variations and color changes (particularly V-R) in OJ 287 on a regular basis throughout this period. We also investigated the microvariability of this source on five nights corresponding to different levels of outburst activity in the quasar. We acknowledge support from the NSF-CSIP program, the W.M. Keck Foundation through the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium, the AAS Small Grants Program, and Colgate University.