First Results from the 1994 Flight of the Medium Scale Anisotropy Measurement
- Session 113 -- Early Universe and Cosmic Microwave background
- Oral presentation, Thursday, 12, 1995, 10:00am - 11:30am
[113.06] First Results from the 1994 Flight of the Medium Scale Anisotropy Measurement
C.A.Inman, S.S.Meyer, J.L.Puchalla, J.E.Ruhl (University of Chicago), E.S.Cheng, D.A.Cottingham, D.J.Fixsen, M.S.Kowitt, R.F.Silverberg (NASA/GSFC), L.A.Page (Princeton University)
We present preliminary results from the 1994 flight of the Medium
Scale Anisotropy Measurement. MSAM is a balloon-borne
telescope with a 0\fdg5 beam equipped with a four frequency channel
bolometric radiometer with bands from 5.6 to 22.5 ${\rm cm}^{-1}$.
Observations were performed along a circle of constant declination,
$\delta$ = 82\deg. Part of the observations overlap those from our earlier
1992 flight.
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