Properties of X-ray Clusters from an Adaptive Mesh Hydrodynamics simulations

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Session 119 -- Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, X-Ray Observationsd
Oral presentation, Thursday, 12, 1995, 2:00pm - 3:30pm

[119.01D] Properties of X-ray Clusters from an Adaptive Mesh Hydrodynamics simulations

Ue-Li Pen (Princeton Observatory)

We have developed an adaptive moving mesh TVD hydrodynamics code, which offers unprecedented resolution and runs on massively parallel supercomputers. It simulates adiabatic ideal gases using high resolution TVD schemes, and offers a dynamic range of up to 10000, defined as the simulation size divided by the smallest resolved length scale. This can be achieved with a $512^3$ grid. Dark matter is modelled simultaneously using the PM scheme on the moving adaptive mesh.

Using it, we address the properties of X-ray clusters. We study core radii, gas fraction and cluster luminosity and mass functions for various structure formation scenarios.

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