On July 27, 1994, BATSE first detected an outburst of an X-ray nova in the constellation Scorpius (Zhang, S.N., et al. 1994, IAU Circ. 6046). The light curve was characterized by two outbursts. The hard X-ray flux (20-100 keV) in the first outburst rose very rapidly ($\sim$0.5 days) and then decreased quickly from 12 to 15 Aug (Wilson, C.A., et al. 1994, IAU Circ. 6056). The drop in X-ray flux was accompanied by a dramatic rise in radio flux from 1 to 7 Janskys at 843 MHz (Campbell-Wilson, D. \& Hunstead, R. 1994, IAU Circ. 6052 \& 6055; Hunstead, R. 1994, IAU Circ. 6062), and by the development of a double radio source (Hjellming, R.M. et al. 1994, IAU Circ. 6055 \& 6060). On 6 Sep, the X-ray flux (20-100 keV) again rose rapidly ($\sim$1day) (Paciesas, W.S. et al. 1994, IAU Circ. 6075). The second X-ray outburst on 6-14 Sep corresponded to another radio outburst and to the appearance of a new radio component (Hjellming, R.M.\& Rupen, M. 1994, IAU Circ. 6077). Both X-ray outbursts show significant variability in the 20-100 keV flux on the hours to days timescale, but no short timescale ($\sim$seconds) variability has been detected by BATSE. We present BATSE observations of intensity and spectral evolution of X-ray Nova Sco.