We have used the VLA and the Dwingaloo 25-m telescope to mosaic HI at one arcminute spatial resolution and 1.3~km/s velocity resolution in two high latitude 2$^{\Box}$ fields. One field is centered on a bright filament in an infrared cirrus cloud, the other is a blank field with essentially no IRAS structure. We detect extended HI features with large ($>$6~km/s) velocity widths in the cirrus field and filamentary HI emission with velocity widths of 2-6~km/s in both fields. In the cirrus field, the HI shows qualitative agreement with the dust emission. We will display a detailed comparison between the HI and deconvolved IRAS images. In the ``blank field'', the weaker HI filaments appear at intermediate negative velocities and are $\sim 30$ times brighter than the background.