The first results are presented for the Green Bank X/Ku All Northern Sky Radio Survey. The entire northern sky ($\delta > -44$) is observed at 8.35 (X band) and 14.35 GHz (Ku band) every two weeks. These observations are made with the NRAO/NASA 45' antenna and cooled dual circularly polarized receivers. The X and Ku band observations are made simultaneously, have 500 MHz band width for higher sensitivity, and total system temperature of $\sim$60 K. The bi-weekly images of the sky have $\sim$0.3 Jy RMS sensitivity.
These observations have three scientific goals; 1) locate the brightest sources in the sky at these frequencies 2) monitor variable radio sources 3) search for radio counter parts to Gamma Ray bursters. Gamma Ray burst sources are believed to be detectable at radio wavelengths for a few days after the bursts (Paczynski and Rhoads 1993, ``Radio Transients of Gamma Ray Bursts'', Ap. J. Lett. , 418 :L5).
This survey is the first full northern sky survey at these frequencies. The observations are expected to detect variable radio sources, since sources are known to show stronger and earlier variation at short wavelengths (Kellerman and Pauliny-Toth 1968, A.R.A.A. , 6 : 417 ). These observations monitor the variations of the brightest sources, and have sufficient sensitivity to detect the brighter flaring sources, such as Sco X-1 .