Design Ideas to Enhance the Energy Threshold, Muon Rejection and Energy Calibration of an Imaging VHE Gamma Ray Telescope

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Session 16 -- >100 GeV Gamma Ray Astronomy
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[16.03] Design Ideas to Enhance the Energy Threshold, Muon Rejection and Energy Calibration of an Imaging VHE Gamma Ray Telescope

M.P.Kertzman (DePauw University), G.H.Sembroski (Purdue University)

We discuss several possible techniques that enable one to enhance (lower) the energy threshold of a Whipple type 10m imaging Gamma-Ray telescope which utilizes the atmospheric \v{C}erenkov technique (ACT) to detect air showers produced by VHE gamma rays from astrophysical objects. We further discuss methods for achieving substantial rejection of false triggers of this type of telescope due to the \v{C}erenkov light produced by single muons. These muon triggers are a major source of background for low threshold ACT telescopes. Finally we discuss several methods for determining various calibration values of imaging telescopes. These calibration values are required when the energy spectrum of a detected gamma ray source is to be determined.

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