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We report the characteristics of a damped $\rm Ly\alpha$ absorber toward a bright, high-redshift QSO, discovered by the Second Byurakan Survey. With $z=3.165$ and $V \sim 16.0$, SBS 1425+606 is one of the brightest known QSOs with $z > 3$ and one of the most luminous discovered to date. We present a $\rm1 \AA$ resolution spectrum of the object taken with the Multiple Mirror Telescope from its $\rm Ly\alpha $ emission line shortward into the $\rm Ly\alpha $ forest and confirm the existence of a moderately strong damped $\rm Ly\alpha $ absorption system at $ z = 2.83$ tentatively identified in the discovery spectrum. Voigt profiles superposed on the data suggest that the column density of this cloud is $ \rm N(HI) \sim 2.5 \times 10^{20} cm^{-2}$. The brightness of SBS1425+606 and the existence of this system make this QSO a compelling target for detailed study of a damped $\rm Ly\alpha$ system at relatively high redshift, but unfortunately, such a system will attenuate SBS1425+606 sufficiently that it cannot be observed in the far UV with the Hubble Space Telescope.