Quasar spectral energy distributions (SEDs) vary significantly from object to object (Elvis 1994). In particular the relative strengths of the blue bump, the soft X-ray excess, the harder X-ray emission and the wavelength of the far-infrared cut-off all cover a wide range. If the broad emission lines do, as is generally believed, arise in gas which is photoionised by a quasar's SED, we expect the relative strengths of the emission lines to be intimately related to that SED.
We use the far-infrared (IR) through soft X-ray (100 \micron -- 3.5 keV) SEDs of our sample of 43 quasars observed with high-signal-to-noise in the X-rays (Elvis 1994), combined with low-resolution, optical spectrophotometry obtained within a few months of the optical/IR continuum measurements to investigate SED/emission line relations. Preliminary results show that the optical lines MgII and the Balmer series are strongly related to the X-ray luminosity. We find no relation between the emission lines and the blue bump strength, no optical Baldwin effect and no relation between FeII emission and the X-ray spectral slope. This latter contrasts with earlier resluts.
Elvis 1994 ApJS in press (November)