A sample of BAL QSOs and a set of both radio-quiet and radio-loud QSOs with similar redshifts in the range $\rm 2.0 \le 2.3$ have been observed at 1.6$\mu$m with a near-infrared spectrograph on the Multiple Mirror Telescope. As expected from observation of low-redshift BAL QSOs, [OIII] $\rm 5007 \AA$ is very weak or absent in the BALs, and relatively strong in the radio-loud members of the sample. This behavior is consistent with the the observations of the low redshift BAL,PG1700+5153, by Turnshek et al. 1985 and when coupled with the fact that BAL QSOs are always radio quiet (Stocke et al. 1992), suggests that isotropic emission properties (eg. radio emission and forbidden lines) may be genuinely different in BAL QSOs from those in other QSOs. Other lines including H$\beta$ and FeII are also seen in these spectra, and are compared among the three QSO classes.
\noindent Turnshek, D. A., Foltz, C. B., Weymann, R. J., Lupie, O. L., McMahon, R. G., and Peterson, B. M. 1985, ApJ, 294, L1
\noindent Stocke, J. T., Morris, S. L., Weymann, R. J., and Foltz, C. B. 1992, ApJ, 396, 487