Compilation of Emission Line Equivalent Widths of QSO's and AGN's

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Session 18 -- AGN Spectroscopy
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[18.17] Compilation of Emission Line Equivalent Widths of QSO's and AGN's

E. Jones (Southwest Missouri State University), J. McDowell (SAO)

We have studied archival ultraviolet spectra of quasars and active galactic nuclei taken with the International Ultraviolet Explorer and the Hubble Space Telescope to create a template of rest frame emission line properties. We calculated equivalent widths and velocity widths of MgII, Lyman $\alpha$, CIII, CIV, and SiIV+OIV] lines. Both the median properties and the distribution of properties for each line are characterized. We have also studied relationships between line properties and continuum luminosities. We compare our results to those of optical surveys of high redshift quasars.

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