We are carrying out quasi-simultaneous multiwavelength spectrophotometry from below Ly $\alpha$ to beyond H $\beta$ for a sample of $\sim 50$\ radio-loud quasars with $z \sim 0.3$\ to 1.3. The aim is to understand the structure and physics of the nuclear environment -- through investigations of the Baldwin effect, comparison of line profiles and ratios, continuum shape, and X-ray and radio properties. In particular the sample is selected with constrained radio lobe luminosity, but with a wide range in the ratio of radio core to lobe flux density. We use the latter ratio as a prime indicator of orientation of the central engine, thus enabling us to investigate angle dependence of kinematics, optical depth, and anisotropy of the broad-band continuum. Observations for our sample are now about 75\% complete. We will present some results relating emission line profiles to radio emission, and to orientation of the central engine.