We have systematically searched the public archival data of the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) all-sky survey for EUV emission at nearly 5000 distinct positions in the sky corresponding to known X-ray emitting active galactic nuclei and optically selected quasars. We found that 37 extragalactic objects are sources of EUV radiation: 24 AGN (5 BL~Lac objects, 5 QSOs, and 14 Seyfert galaxies) are reported here for the first time as new EUV extragalactic sources, 11 were previously known, and 2 are dubious because of the presence of nearby EUV-bright stars. This sample is likely to represent the entire extragalactic content of the EUVE all-sky survey. We discuss the most probable reasons for the EUVE detections, the implications for the amounts of intrinsic gas in the host galaxies, and, when possible, the connection with UV and X-ray emission. This work has been supported by NASA contract NAS5-29298.