Luminosity Functions and Multiwavelength Correlations from the 12--Micron and CfA Seyfert Galaxy Samples

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Session 19 -- Multiwavelength AGN Studies
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[19.06] Luminosity Functions and Multiwavelength Correlations from the 12--Micron and CfA Seyfert Galaxy Samples

\newcommand{\rf}{\par\noindent\hangindent 15pt {}} \newcommand{\um}{~$\mu$m} B.Rush, M.A.Malkan (UCLA)

We present the results of several projects which analyze the multiwavelength properties of two complete samples of bright, nearby Seyfert galaxies, namely the 12--Micron Sample (Spinoglio \& Malkan 1989; Rush, Malkan, \& Spinoglio 1993) and the CfA Sample (Huchra \& Burg 1992).

We have derived mid-- and far--IR (Rush et al. 1993), radio (Rush, Malkan, \& Edelson 1995), and X--ray (Rush et al. 1995) luminosity functions for Seyfert galaxies based on these samples. Comparisons are made between the space densities of various Seyfert types, derived at different wavelengths and for different samples. Implications towards models of the sources of nuclear emission from Seyferts, as well as unification schemes between Seyfert~1s and~2s are discussed.

Correlations between multiwavelength parameters are plotted and discussed, where we intercompare the radio, X--ray, and near/mid/far--IR properties, also with particular application to unified schemes and models. Optical spectrophotometry and IUE spectra will soon be added to this analysis.

\rf{Huchra, J. \& Burg, R. 1992, ApJ 393, 90} \rf{Rush, B., Malkan, M.A., \& Edelson, R.A. 1995, ApJ, submitted} \rf{Rush, B., Malkan, M.A., Fink, H. \& Voges, W. 1995, ApJ, submitted} \rf{Rush, B., Malkan, M.A., \& Spinoglio, L. 1993, ApJ 89, 1} \rf{Spinoglio, L. \& Malkan, M.A. 1989, ApJ 342, 83}

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