Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Gamma-Emitting Blazars
- Session 19 -- Multiwavelength AGN Studies
- Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm
[19.07] Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Gamma-Emitting Blazars
R.C. Hartman, D.L. Bertsch, C.E. Fichtel, S.D. Hunter, D.J. Thompson (NASA/GSFC), J.A. Esposito, R. Mukherjee, P. Sreekumar (GSFC/USRA), C. von Montigny (GSFC/NRC), D.A. Kniffen (Hampden-Sydney C.), P.F. Michelson, Y.C. Lin, P.L. Nolan, J.M. Fierro, T.D. Willis (Stanford U.), G. Kanbach, H. Mayer-Hasselwander, V. Sch\"{o}nfelder (MPE), J.D. Kurfess, W.N. Johnson (NRL), M. Kafatos (George Mason U.), A.P. Marscher, E.M. Moore, M. Georganopoulos (Boston U.), E.I. Robson (JAC), J.A. Stevens (U. Central Lancashire), W.K. Gear (Royal Obs. Edinburgh), I.M. McHardy (U. Southampton), H. Ter\"{a}sranta, M. Tornikoski (Metsahovi RRS), L.O. Takalo, A. Sillanp\"{a} \"{a} (Tuorla Obs.), A.C. Sadun (Agnes Scott C.), J.R. Webb (Florida Int. U.), M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, P.A. Hughes (U.MI), A.D. Nair (U.FL), M. Malkan (UCLA), A.V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), S. Wagner, A. Heines (Heidelberg), J.R. Mattox (U.MD/USRA), A.E. Wehrle (IPAC/Caltech), A. Zook (Pomona C.)
During Phase 3 of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Mission, the
EGRET Instrument Team has worked with a large collaboration of
observers at other frequencies to obtain multiwavelength
coverage simultaneous with EGRET observations of a substantial
number of blazars, with emphasis on those which had been detected
previously by EGRET at energies $>$100 MeV. The goal of this program
was twofold: to search for correlated time variations in different
frequency bands, and to obtain simultaneous spectra from the GHz
radio range to GeV gamma-ray energies. A sample of early results
on both time variations and spectra will be presented.
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