UZ Bootis (1439+22A), classified as a probable WZ Sge type dwarf nova, was observed in August 1994 during its first known outburst since September 1978. CCD photometry was acquired on five nights at the McDonald Observatory 0.76m telescope during this recent outburst. UZ Boo was observed each night for approximately 2.5 hours, from the end of evening astronomical twilight through high airmass. Johnson B CCD images were acquired at the rate of approximately two per minute throughout most of this interval. Smaller sets of multi-color (Johnson BV and Kron-Cousins RI) CCD photometry were acquired on two of these nights. This poster characterizes the photometric behavior of UZ Boo during its 1994 outburst, describes preliminary analytical results derived from the photometric data, and compares UZ Boo to other dwarf novae with large outburst magnitude ranges and long cycle times.