Soft X-Ray Spectra and Light Curves of Cataclysmic Variables

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Session 21 -- Cataclysmic Variables, Dwarf Novae
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[21.17] Soft X-Ray Spectra and Light Curves of Cataclysmic Variables

S. Holcomb, J.-P. Caillault (Univ. Georgia), J. Patterson (Columbia Univ.)

We report on spectral and temporal analysis of the pointed ROSAT observations of a dozen cataclysmic variables. All the sufficiently strong sources show rapid aperiodic variations (``flickering") but no definite periods were found. Limits on the pulsed fraction of two DQ~Her star candidates (TW~Pic and TT~Ari) were found to be $\sim$~30\%. The stars at high binary inclination (IP~Peg, V2051~Oph, V347~Pup, V~Sge, and H0928+50) were found to be very feeble X-ray sources, presumably because of X-ray absorption in the accretion disk. A search for X-ray eclipses was basically negative, although this result is tainted by the very low count rates. Orbital modulations in the X-ray hardness ratio were found or suspected in three stars (RXJ1940.2-1025, WZ~Sge, and GP~Com), suggesting the possibility of X-ray absorption in an orbital structure (accretion column, accretion stream, or hot spot at the outer edge of the disk). Better orbital ephemerides and/or modelling of the physics and geometry of the X-ray absorption are needed to evaluate this possibility.

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