Preliminary results on a search for Cepheid variables in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 925 will be presented. NGC 925 was chosen as a potential calibrator for the Tully-Fisher relation, as part of the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. The period-luminosity relation for the Cepheids discovered in NGC 925 will be used to establish the distance and absolute magnitude for this galaxy. B, V, and I exposures of an outer field to the west side of NGC 925 were made from August to October 1994 using WFPC-2 on HST. Twelve epochs in V were obtained as well as a reduced number of observations at B and I for color and reddening determinations. Several dozen Cepheids have been discovered. Lightcurves for these variables will be presented, as well as V and I period-luminosity relations. A color-magnitude diagram of the region will also be discussed.