We present results of a study of narrow-line region (NLR) kinematics in Seyfert nuclei. This study has involved extensive modeling which includes collimated emission, radially dependent rotation and turbulence, explicit photoionization calculations, and realistic treatments of both internal and external obscuration, and also allows for gradients in the electron density and the radial velocity of clouds throughout the NLR. Line profiles of [O~II]~$\lambda$3727, [Ne III] $\lambda$3869, [O III] $\lambda$5007, [Fe VII] $\lambda$6087, [O~I]~$\lambda$6300, [Fe~X]~$\lambda$6374, H$\alpha$~$\lambda$6563, and [S~II]~$\lambda$6731 are calculated for a wide range of physical conditions throughout the NLR. The model profiles are compared with line profiles derived from data taken with the Mount Palomar 5 m Hale Telescope as well as with profiles taken from the literature. \vskip 0.15truecm
The scenario in agreement with the largest number of observational considerations, including correlations of line width with ionization potential, consists of clouds which are accelerating outward with $v \propto \sqrt{r}$ (i.e., constant force) and $n_e \propto {1 \over r^2}$. The clouds start out at the inner NLR radius with $n_e \approx 10^6$ $cm^{-3}$ and with a very large column density ($10^{23} - 10^{24}$ $cm^{-2}$). These clouds are uniformly accelerated from a few tens of km/sec to $\sim$< 1,000 km/sec. When the clouds reach the outer NLR radius, they have $n_e \> 10^2$ $cm^{-3}$ and a column density of $10^{21} - 10^{22}$ $cm^{-2}$. The clouds maintain an ionization parameter of about 0.3 throughout the NLR.
This work has been supported by NASA grant NAG 5-1630